Monday, December 6, 2010

Finally! Something to do XD

Hiya peoplez, I'm back for today to update my blog, but after this I don't know when I'll update again XD so today is 7/12/2010 and around 11:30am in the morning and this is the 2nd time I'm waking up early during the holidays cause I usually wake up around 2pm or so -latest record - 6pm-

Anyways, so I finally found something to do during the holidays :D NOOO ITS NOT ABOUT THE BIG PAPEL, well see, since I got so bored and stuff, my sister tell me that I should take part in some of the game event that they make once every 2 week, new events comes with update so I took part in some

4 Easy ones were 3 on Facebook, where 1 tells you to change your profile pic and take SS of it while the other 2 tells you to share a pic and a vid from their FB page and then ss it as proof you shared it and post it on forum, the other one was you make a wish of what you want in the game and they'll see if you get picked to receive your wish, by doing this, I can earn roughly 6.7m off selling the participation prize :D which would help me in game :3

That's just the easy ones, now for the average and hard ones, average ones would be the Funniest Caption Event where they provide you an image and you have to think of funny things they would say and post it, this should be easy but thinking what is funny to write can be hard :o

Hard ones are the Calendar Making Event, Your Christmas Tale Event and the Comedy Comic Event, Your Christmas Tale Event is where you film a video about your Christmas Tale in-game and post it, it doesn't have to be really long, just at least 1min long I think, while on the other hand, Comedy Comic Event is where you DRAW a comic -which is funny- and post it on to win, some entry I saw didn't draw which means.... disqualification D: but I haven't start yet so I'm deciding to do it when I'm up at Genting Highlands XD

The last event is the Calendar Making Event, which I completed like 2 days ago :D it looks messy and like too many things but who knows, maybe I'll win the event :o
Here's the calendar I completed, its January 2011 -with North American Holidays-

Anyways, that's all I have to write and have to do for now XD so laterz peoples :3 new events are coming in another week so probably got update if I join XD

Bye :3

Kenjisan Kenkoko Ken X3

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