Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Boring weih :(

Ot eb tsenoh, yadiloh neeb yllaer gnirob rof em hiew, ecnis m'i os derob, am'i epyt s'yadot golb edispu nwod, m'i yllaer yllaer derob, os derob i nac eid tuo fo moderob :(

yllautca gnipyt sdrawkcab si yllear emoselbuort tub ti seod evig ouy gnihtemos ot od =o tub syawyna, am'i pots thgir won, retal enoemos kniht m'i gnipyt emos rehto egaugnal lol

Anyways, if you think I'm typing some other language for the last 2 paragraph then you're wrong, I'm actually typing english, but every word is upside down, so the first 3 words were "To be honest" and so lol, look for yourself :D

Aynways, after you read the first 2 paragraph again, its true, I'm really bored during the holidays, I don't have anywhere to go during the holidays, same goes for nothing to do but sitting in front of the computer and looking at it for 8 hours especially facebook :(

I'm probably now waiting for someone to talk to me or something lol, maybe like ask me to go out somewhere, cause I'll die sooner or later, from Saturday till now, nothing happened much, really, its always the plain 'ol' stuff you do everyday, wake up, look computer, eat, look computer again, eat again, sleep

that's how my life is during the holidays, if only the Korea trip didn't get canceled then at least I'm out at Korea doing something :( so now I'm just trying to finish up today's blog by thinking hard what to write............ seriously

Well nothing to write actually, all I can write today is, Good Luck in Pakistan Waqar =o its sad you left D: no one to talk to from now on and also tickle me to death while holding my pro kicking legs at the same time lol, but anyways, I wish you best of luck all the way at Pakistan.

Well that's really all I can say today, and to summarize this blog, it says :" BORING~~~! "

Kenjisan Kenkoko Ken (-_-)zzz

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