Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Exam Over!

I just woke up and today is Thursday 4/11/2010 and test is over! The 5 days of hell have ended and now its the heaven days lol, but for the exam, I'm probably be screwed for some of the test papers lol

Anyways, since test is now over, I'm gonna start playing my computer again lol and also kill the xbox and Wii lol, but meh, I feel so bored during the holiday times, maybe I need something to do during the holidays :/

Ever since I stopped LT, I don't know what to do much actually lol, its like I've been really lifeless on LT that I've been wasting my time when I can do all sorts of things x_x so yea, that's why I feel like nothing to do during the holidays x_x

But I'm trying to fill up my time by getting to do some stuff like playing Pangya or even try to get new games for my Wii and xbox \o\ and well, I'm still feeling bored x_x and well the Korea trip probably got canceled *since no news for like 2 weeks* and now I feel even more bored =_=

Well but then another friend asked me whether I want to join in a Christian camping trip on Cameron from 14/12 -> 18/12 so now I'm still thinking whether I want to go cause later I don't know anyone there and I just sit in a corner doing nothing lol but if I do go, at least I'll have something to do during the holidays XD

Anyways, that's all I have for now, I'ma go find a way to download games for Wii and xbox now then play Pangya again ._. so yeah, laterz!

Kenjisan Kenkoko Ken :3

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