Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Not So Shinny Day

Morning woke up with the rain showering down the grounds of Permai, Kemuning Utama, Kota Kemuning. Rain just makes people feel sleepy :3 and I didn't felt like waking up actually this morning but was forced to, my mum don't let me skip school x_x

Still being damn pissed at the principal for making students doing work even though there's like less than 2 weeks till holiday, i mean, who wants to do work after exam and is just less than 2 weeks until the holiday? The principal have no thoughts about the student, he just basically wants to torture everyone until everyone leaves the school

Today just during lunch, some friends thought of a game that requires the person to make a sentence in alphabetic order so its like "Apples are great!" then the other person will say something like "Because their juicy!", so the game just asks the person to use the alphabet as the 1st letter of the sentence and it goes in order, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

But instead of making normal sentences, the game just got really perverted ._. but the game made everyone laugh like shit, everyone laughed so hard that they might even pee! lol the game just makes everyone laugh hard lol

After lunch, its the Talentine event for the school and was raining, I then felt sleepy again and then slept during the show lol, I watched finish their performances just before walking out from the hall and back to the class to play

When school ends, a lot of people say that the teacher's judges ain't fair, and that people that are good are restricted to join the competition, plus, they tried to fill the whole school into a small little Auditorium, i mean wtf man, why not just have it in the great hall, the place was so fulled up that a person can barely go from the back of the hall to the front of it, I got annoyed and walked out after the performances

Now I'm redownloading the Taiwan LaTale, their update made some chances to the updater so i had to redownload and after that I'ma play the game again, I'm dead bored =_=

Anyways, I'ma go on A.F.K mode now, laterz peoplez!

Kenjisan Kenkoko Ken (>^_^)><(^o^<)

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