Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hi Everyone ^_^

Hi everyone, as you all know, I just started blogging.... Yeah, I'm a tad late T_T anyway, since I just started blogging, I'll just say what I went through over the year


Haiz... typing both language is troublesome, forget it, I'm not typing double language anymore XD

Anyways, just as always, a new year is always exciting for me to meet new friends since I transferred from KBSM to IGCSE, new class = new friends duh!

Well at least this year is really different for me, moved into new house, like more things to do that what I always did last year, I mean, last year... all I did was watch TV, shower, play computer and go to sleep, well this year, its really different, I somehow have to reschedule everything again, more things are added into my to do list everyday and well.... all i can say is, things changed a lot for me this year X3

As for school life, things changed too, but I'm still having problem getting along with people in the class, somehow..... ah well, at least I'm experiencing different things this year lol
*unpopular kid T_T*
Class would be boring without some people I know in class, I feel kinda grateful having them inside the class even though they're annoying sometimes lawl, more diversion wtf! More diversion, less studying :P

Ah well, this year I've been playing LaTale most of the time...... again z_z but at least this year I play lesser than I did last year *lesser by a lot of hours! :D I'm proud!* , I kinda just losing interest in it, at least I got another game called Pangya to back me up when I'm bored of LaTale lawl..... and yep.. I'm still the only person in the class playing LaTale *this is what makes me different from most of the people in my class :D* , not sure about Pangya, but probably also the only one ._.

This year is just really WOW for me lawl, new things, new friends, new assignment z_z *oh gosh*, i pretty much enjoy this year :D its been a really weird yet lively year ^_^ I think i changed a lot too :)

This year from January until now *October 12th* have been a really great year, well... at least better than last year XD *I don't really like the academics but what to do? :<* will try to remember to update my blog from now on XD
Kenjisan Kenkoko Ken ;3


  1. HEY! do me a favour and put in a chat box its alot easier to write stuff..........btw..............sweet blog! uhh rite now i have some one else to follow in my completly lifeless boring life where i do nothing and no fun..............EMO PHASE..........

