Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Wait Just Keeps On Extending

Today is Wednesday, yay! I can know now whether the Korea trip is back on :D but wait! Before that I told myself I'll study today, well my computer using limit is 1hour so yeah, I'm just going to update my blog, look through facebook, look at some forum and then back to studying.

Today, History teacher showed us some history movie, its violent ._. starting was just peaceful peaceful peaceful and the 2nd thing you know is that the people got attacked ._. and there's killing, killing and more killing among each other and well it's just a violent movie lol but I still enjoyed watching it lol.

During lunch time today, Me and the other friend went to look for the teacher in charge of the Korea trip hoping to know whether we got the ticket to Korea already and well..... As I said, the wait just keeps extending

Teacher: Oh about the ticket for the trip, last time we were asking for tickets from a Korean airline and well the price is RM3000+ for return flight -_- and Malaysia airlines are much more cheaper than this
Friend: So when can we know that we get the tickets?
Teacher: We're now asking for discount on the tickets since its RM2800+ We'll know the result latest by tomorrow or not Friday
Friend: So how many people we need for this time?
Teacher: 20
Me: So like last time la?
Teacher: Yes but don't call first, we'll still have to know whether we get the tickets
Me: So we'll know latest by this week?
Teacher: Yes, you do know I got your info mah, if the trip is back on I go your class tell you, then both of you can help get people to the trip.
Friend: So far how many people?
Teacher: With you 2 only got 5, we need another 15 more
Me: Well we'll try to get the people when the ticket is confirmed
Teacher: When the tickets are in, I'll tell you 2 then you go and find people to join the trip
Me and Friend: Ok, thanks.

And the wait just keeps on extending, jeez >_<> 1791 so far and there's still like another 10 more years of those to read, so I decide to go study history later by using this comic strip way, hopefully it'll help me remember better by doing this.

That's all I have to say for today, Night :3

Kenjisan Kenkoko Ken :D

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